
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!


   causes      charity      courtyard      domes      gymnasium      hall      holy      imam      influence      located      minaret      muezzin      obey      offend      pray      recruit      social      Strict      tourists      verses   


Mosques are places where Muslims get together to to Allah, have religious education or discuss items of interest. They go back to the seventh century when the first mosque was Mohammad's house in Medina. Wherever Muslims went they set up mosques in different sizes and shapes. Whole villages and towns formed around this central building. Although there are mosques in all parts of the world the most famous mosques are in the Middle East, for example the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the Prophet's Mosque in Medina or the Blue Mosque in Istanbul.

Mosques are usually square or rectangular and most of them have a in the centre. Roofs are shaped like over the prayer halls. Many, but not all, mosques have a small thin tower called , from which the calls worshippers to their daily prayers.

The inside of a mosque is usually made up of an entrance where Muslims can wash themselves and take off their shoes. Prayer halls do not have chairs or benches. Muslims pray in rows facing Mecca. Every mosque has a small niche in the wall that points to Mecca. As there are no statues or paintings to be seen the walls are covered with of the Quran. From a pulpit an , the religious leader of a mosque, speaks to his followers.

As time went on mosques became multifunctional. Today they have rooms for teaching, meeting places, libraries or even a .

Muslims and tourists alike must some strict rules when entering a mosque. Men and women have their own praying halls, in some mosques only men are allowed to enter. clothing rules apply to those entering a mosque. Apart from talking off your shoes, you must wear clothes that do not Allah. Women must wear long clothes that cover their body down to the ankle. Some mosques do not allow in at all.

During the month of Ramadan mosques have other functions as well. Some offer breakfast before the first prayer of the day as well as after-prayer dinners. Money for is also collected at mosques.

During the last few decades mosques have increased their political among believers. In many areas imams use their power to calm down conflicts in the Muslim world. On the other side terror organizations, like Al Qaeda, have used mosques as a place where to radical Muslims for their .