Mosques - Crossword
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3. country that helped finance the building of mosques in the 1960s (two words) 5. holy month for Muslims 6. city, to which all Muslims must look to when praying 8. big empire that spread over the Middle East and Northern Africa throughout the Middle Ages 10. city where the Prophet's Mosque stands 12. place where you can borrow books for a short time 13. raised structure in a church or mosque from which the religious leader speaks to the people 14. round roof on a building
1. city where the Sultan Ahmed Mosque stands 2. thin tower in one of the corners of a mosque 4. religious leader of a mosque 6. niche in the wall that points to Mecca 7. the outer place in the middle part of a mosque 9. person who calls the worshippers to prayer 11. material that covers the floor of the prayer hall