The European Union - Crossword
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1. someone who has been chosen to speak and make decisions for a country 3. The _________________ branch of a community is reponsible for making laws. 5. city where the EEC treaty was first signed 6. name that was used for the border between the Communist east and the free west (2 words) 8. agreement between two or more countries 11. city in the Netherlands where an important EU agreement was signed in the 1990s 13. three small countries in the northwestern part of Europe. 14. Europe's single currency 16. money that a country uses to buy and sell things 17. female British Prime Minister who had arguments with other EU countries 18. organisation responsible for atomic energy in the EU 19. piece of metal that is used as money
2. name you use when you talk about making the EU bigger and letting other countries join 4. the buying and selling of products 7. headquarters of the European Central Bank 9. opposition between two and more countries 10. country that has cooperated with the EU for a long time and now wants to become a full member 12. line between two countries 15. person who lives in a country and has rights there