People Spend Half the Day Daydreaming
According to a recent American study people spend almost half of the day daydreaming. An iPhone app , which they downloaded, questioned them about their thoughts and moods during the day and at night.
The study comes to the conclusion that 30% of the time people are not really concentrating on what they are doing. Their minds wander around other things. Most of them admit they are distracted easily.
Those who took part in the survey were called at different times of the day and had to answer a few questions on what they were doing, if they were concentrated on it and how they felt.
The survey team found out that almost half of the time the participants did not concentrate on what they were doing.
There might also be a connection between daydreaming and happiness. Most of those who said they were daydreaming also admitted they were not very happy at the time.
People who were phoned while exercising , having a conversation or making love were the happiest, while those who were working or sitting in front of a computer said that they were unhappy. The survey however does not say whether daydreaming leads to unhappiness or not.
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- according to = as said by, as reported by
- admit = to say that something is true
- app = application , small program that runs on a telephone
- conclusion = something you decide after you have all the information on a subject
- distract = unable to think
- exercise = to do sports or other physical activities, like jogging etc..
- mind = the thoughts that you have
- mood = the way you feel at a certain time
- participants = those who take part in something
- study = research; a piece of work that is done to find out more about a subject ro problem
- survey = number of questions that someone asks you in order to find out something about a subject
- wander = here: you no longer pay attention to something