Vladivostok - Russia's Gateway to the Far East


Vladivostok lies on the Pacific coast and is Russia’s gateway to Asia.  It is at a crossroads of major shipping routes. The port of Vladivostok brings Russia money from booming Asian economies.  About 7 million tons of cargo passes through the harbor of Vladivostok every year. Containers full of goods come into and leave the harbor. Because the city is only a short distance from China, Chinese influence is very large. A lot of money is being invested in Vladivostok, as the Russian city will host the APEC summit in 2012.






  • annually = every year
  • billion = a thousand million
  • cargo = freight , goods
  • channel = here: send
  • commercial =related to business
  • corridor = route
  • crossroads = important or central place
  • crucial = very important
  • delicate = needing to be dealt with carefully
  • faith =trust ; here: it looks to this place as its future
  • gateway = place from which you enter
  • hinterland = an area of land around the city
  • host = to be the place for an organized event
  • increase = go up
  • machinery = machines
  • misty = foggy, cloudy
  • pave = here: prepare
  • port = harbor
  • rim = edge, border
  • rule = govern
  • seaboard = coast
  • shift = the time during which someone works
  • stuffed = full of
  • summit = meeting of top level leaders
  • tide = wave
  • tilt = show
  • trading post = place where people started to trade goods with others