The Roman Catholic Church
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1. center of the Eastern Roman church 5. French city where some popes in the Middle Ages ruled from 6. state where the Pope governs the church from 9. person who started the reformation movement (2 words) 10. sacrament in which Catholics tell their sins to a priest 12. what every person is born with (2 words) 13. one of the three persons who God exists in (2 words)
1. sacrament that strengthens young Christians 2. when Catholics celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ 3. a religious song 4. the return of Jesus Christ to life after his death on the cross 5. church of England founded by Henry VIII 7. wars led by Europeans to capture the Holy Land back from Muslims 8. religious official just below the rank of a priest 11. mother of Jesus Christ