Status of Women


The situation of women in our world today is very important. There are many differences between richer and poorer countries.

In industrialized countries birth rates have fallen since the 1960s. One reason is that more and more women have jobs and go to work. They do not want to stay at home any longer and have fewer babies.

In developing countriesthe situation of women is different. Many of them are at home, do the household chores and care for their children.

Helping women in the Third World is very important and can slow down the population explosion. One of the key factors is education. Women who go to school and maybe later on study at a university have higher chances of getting a job. They don’t marry so early and start having children at a later age.

Such women also know more about birth control and can plan the number of children they want to have.

Educated women also know more about health care. Young girls who have sex at an early age risk getting AIDS and passing it on to their babies when they are pregnant. More than half of the 40 million people living with AIDS today are women. In Africa, more than 75 % of all AIDS victims are young women between 15 and 24.




Fertility rate
children born per woman















Hong Kong




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  • AIDS = a disease, in which your body cannot protect itself from infections; you usually die after a certain time
  • birth control = family planning
  • birth rate = shows how many babies are born for every 1,000 people in a year
  • care for = look after
  • developing countries =poor countries of the Third World
  • educated = if you have gone to school
  • fall = here : go down
  • fertility rate = the number of children that a woman has during her life
  • fewer =less, smaller amount
  • health care =the system that looks after the health of all people in a country
  • higher chances = better chances
  • household chores = the things that you have to do in the house
  • key factor = very important thing
  • pass on =give to
  • pregnant = if a woman has a baby growing in her body
  • reason =explanation
  • risk = to do something dangerous
  • victim =here: people who die of AIDS